The Joy of Volunteering

In Kayaking on June 21, 2009 at 5:00 am

How [KayakKev] spent [his] summer vacation…

Last Thursday I was talking with Darry Jackson and he was talking about helping some kids in a “Summer Camp”  I replied about how that sounded like fun and if he ever needed help to let me know.  From the smile on his face I knew I was in trouble, and it was confirmed when he said he would meet me tomorrow at 10am at Bay Pines Kayak launch.

Friday morning I arrived and was pleased to meet a Miss Rhegan Hyypio (the councilor) and a Great group of kids all from Country Day School in Seminole.  When the kids showed up, they pick which yaks they wanted to paddle and then worked together to carry them to the water.  It was nice to see a team at work.

When we launched, we headed over to a little spoil island a short distance away.  I was impressed how well the kids stayed together and paddled as a group with no whinning or complaints.  When we hit the waves of a boat wake I expected fear, but all I heard was laughter and cries for more… then I knew we had some natural paddlers with us.  When we reached the spoil, everyone got out and went for a short walk…




and when they got done everyone jumped into the water for a quick swim


and a group photo Left to Right are;  Amanda, Rhegan, Allen, Trevor, Logan, Tony,Renadall, Jake, Sarah, and Nadine.  Thanks kids.  P6190012

And then back in our yaks for some more paddling.



and when some of the kids figured out how to splash others with their paddle, I passed my pump over to one of the kids showing what a water cannon it can be… who me???  An instigator???


As we were nearing lunch time it was time to head back.  Along the way Darry showed one of the kids how to mix Bronc riding with kayaking


Close to shore there were a couple of kids that decided it was time to get me wet.  And as I practised my bracing in trying to resist, they succeeded in flipping my yak and dumping me in the water.  And as I am scrambling to collect my gear as it is floating by, the laughter I heard from those kids was the sweetist music I have ever heard.

I hope Darry will ask me to help him again when he does this.  And I want to thank everyone that was there for a great day on the water. – KayakKev

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